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Create a Surprisingly Easy Backyard Obstacle Course This Summer!


Our boys have always loved being outside and they also love to invent new ways to play with their things.  Seriously, most of their toys are not even used in the way they were intended to be played with.  One night a few years ago, we were all outside, gardening, grilling, or maybe just enjoying the weather.  The Captain started climbing on the swingset and at first it was a bit scary, but I realized it was a great challenge for him!  When D was old enough, he started doing the same thing and now, they race through it and make it a fun way to spend time outside. 

Backyard Obstacle Course AD #FreeToBe #CollectiveBias

One afternoon, I came up with the idea to make a American Ninja Warrior-esque obstacle course and time them as they completed it to make it more fun.  They LOVED this challenge!!  

The beauty of the backyard obstacle course is that you can use just about anything that you have to make this more challenging and FUN.  

The boys love to swing from this T post that was once used for a clothesline:

Backyard Obstacle Course AD #FreeToBe #CollectiveBias

Spinning around with your forehead on a bat is the ultimate giggle inducer!  Kids love it!backyard obstacle course 3

Hubby had some pool noodles that had been cut in half for a youth group game.  I simply found long sticks around the yard and poked them in the ground.  Then I put the ends over the sticks, where the holes are, folded them over, and bam, we had another fun portion of our backyard obstacle course!backyard obstacle course 4

backyard obstacle course 2

These old bricks made the perfect "islands" in a pool of "lava."  Fall and you're out!
backyard obstacle course 5

We also have used a kid's basketball goal, pretend guns that shoot soft darts to knock plastic cones off of a table, jumping over a small pool of water, and going through one of those fun kiddie tunnels.  

It just so happens that all of the water collects under our swingset after a big rain, so using that for part of the obstacle course makes it all the more exciting.  Luckily, no one has fallen in the water yet, but I anticipate that day to come sooner or later.

What other fun activities would you include in YOUR backyard obstacle course?  We would love a new challenge!

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Sunday 12th of June 2016

Looks like a fun obstacle course! I especially love the pool noodles. Thanks for sharing with #EverythingKids.


Tuesday 31st of May 2016

The videos, Gena! Awesome! Looks like the boys had a blast! We may have to create our own obstacle course this summer! #client

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