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Age Four: The Land of Make Believe

Oh, age four.  What a fun age!  The Captain is four and a half now and his imagination is running wild every single day.  It actually started long before age four, but he is more imaginative now than ever before.  Every morning he wakes up and goes directly to his room (because he sleeps on our floor half the night, remember...yes, still....) and picks out a "costume."  He finally realized that we can't go out and buy a costume for everything he wants, nor can I sew a costume every time he wants one.  He's learned to make do with what he has, and I must say, I have been impressed with some of the stuff he comes up with!  

Who wants to be a Superhero Knight Firefighter?


four year old make believe

Or what about "Space Boy?"  I don't remember what exactly prompted this costume, but he wanted an astronaut costume and I gave him a few boxes and scissors and told him that he would have to work on that one himself.  I did offer some cutting help, but the rest is all his idea.  Pretty good because it satisfied him and he was proud of his costume!

four year old imagination

Then there was the time he learned about Moses and the Ten Commandments.  The couch was his mountain, he made the Ten Commandments out of cardboard and paper, and then strapped a Slinky around his waist to climb the mountain.  ha!  I'm pretty sure Moses didn't have the security of a harness around his waist, but this Moses did.  


make believe four year old

He read about Hawkman, the superhero, in a book and had to become him.  Those are his hawk wings, of course!

make believe four year old


I'm sure you can tell that this is a police officer, protecting our backyard from bad guys.  He's got his police badge, wallet, walkie talkie, and gun.  Yes, that stick is a gun, all under a belt that's incredibly too tight.


make believe four year old

This is the latest character.  The Captain saw an episode of "The Wild Kratts" on PBS yesterday, for the first time.  It's a show about two adult brothers who rescue animals and teach about science and the world around us.  Half of us is a cartoon, and the Captain loves this show!  Here he is in his Wild Kratts costume... which he wore outside... in the heat of Texas... but he didn't care because he was a WILD KRATT!


make believe four year old

This kid certainly makes every day an adventure for all of us.  And lucky for him, his little brother D is more than willing to accompany him in all of his adventures!  

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Tuesday 21st of May 2013

Too cute! That's great he has come up with his own costume. The Girl likes to dress up herself, but usually princesses and such.

Jenny K

Monday 20th of May 2013

How cute! My son loves to dress up as Spiderman!

Emily @FamilyNLifeLV

Monday 20th of May 2013

My son turns 4 on June 4 - I can't wait for this age! I hope it's less stressful than 3.


Monday 20th of May 2013

Three was awful!  haha!  Four is better, but comes with it's own challenges.  It's fun for sure!

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