This post was brought to you by Dannon yogurt. All opinions are mine.
A few weeks ago, I learned how to make yogurt. There was a lot to know and learn about the process, but it was fun. Do I want to do it every week? No. The question of where to start and where to get the milk to make the yogurt was a big process. Store bought yogurt is a hit with me and other Americans because it is so convenient and easy and tastes delicious.
Two of my kids and I go through quite a bit of yogurt in a week, so it is important to me to know where it comes from. Do you know what's in your yogurt and where it comes from? If you are curious or even if you are not, Dannon can tell you. And as a parent and an advocate for my family's health, that is something I appreciate.
The Dannon Pledge
Dannon has listened to parents like me and other Americans who asked the important questions. Dannon did not have to respond, but they did, because they care about their consumers.
Dannon Pledges:
- Naturality: fewer, more natural, and non-GMO ingredients and milk from cows fed non-GMO feed
- Sustainable Agriculture: working with farmers they know to help improve soil health, water usage, biodiversity, and animal welfare
- Transparency: label presence and labeling whether products contain GMOs or not - regardless of FDA regulations
Dannon Whole Milk Yogurt:
- made with whole milk
- all natural ingredients with Vitamin D
- non-GMO ingredients
- affordable price: average price of $0.55
- available in 11 flavors: Strawberry, Blueberry, Strawberry Banana, Vanilla, Mixed Berry, Raspberry, Cherry, Orange Cream, Key Lime, Peach, and Strawberry Kiwi
What is Yogurt, Anyway?
The process of yogurt making is pretty simple. Yogurt is a fermented food made with good cultures (bacteria) that "grow" by consuming much of the lactose found in milk. (This makes it easier to digest than other dairy products.) These good cultures help balance your gut bacteria. It's a great swap or addition to everyday foods, and can be eaten in a multitude of ways.
Why Non-GMO?
These three letters have been bouncing around for awhile, and it's unlikely that you have never heard them before. But, if you haven't, here's the deal. GMO stands for "genetically modified organism." This means that the genetic material has been artificially manipulated in a laboratory through genetic engineering. It's not natural and there are many questions if this is even safe.
Dannon will be the only conventional dairy company in the US feeding non-GMO feed to their cows. They are on track to reformulate all products under the Dannon brand by the end of 2017 to be made only with Non-GMO ingredients. Dannon pledged to start feeding their dairy cows Non-GMO feed by the end of 2017.
Relationship with Farmers
Dannon has made a point to know the farmers that supply the milk for the yogurt we are eating when we buy Dannon. This is the first yogurt company to do this, and it's a big deal! If there is a relationship between milk supplier and yogurt producer, then the customer benefits. Dannon knows what their cows are eating and how they are being treated.
As of this moment, 90% of the milk that Dannon uses is coming from farms under the Validus Certified system. This is awarded to farms that follow stringent animal welfare guidelines. These farms undergo a detailed assessment and audit of their on-farm animal welfare practices. You may not really care about the cows your milk and thus, yogurt, comes from, but I believe that that transparency creates higher standards and expectations and we, the consumers, benefit from that.
So, next time you are staring at all of the vast choices in the yogurt aisle, look for the labels that say "non GMO" and remember the Dannon pledge to it's customers. Also, check out Mamavation's post about Dannon's huge commitment to consumers!