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Teach Kids Independence With A Bathroom Cleaning Checklist

This post about teaching kids independence with a bathroom cleaning checklist and shop have been compensated . All opinions are mine alone. 

bathroom cleaning checklist

As a mom, I feel like I repeat myself more than I should.  I started using chore cards at the beginning of the summer so the boys could see what was expected of them and go back and reference them when they forgot, instead of asking me over and over.  

With that same idea, I wanted a printable with specific instructions for them on how to complete their chores correctly.  I help them when needed and they simply go through and check off that they have completed everything.    

Bathroom Cleaning Checklist Printable

This printable is easy to download in PDF form and print out on card stock for durability.  It can be laminated or placed in a page protector if you are planning for it to be reusable.  Can be used with dry erase markers and wiped off after every use.

Each chore has a very specific list, so kids will know exactly what is expected of them.

bathroom checklist

When preparing this printable, I wanted to incorporate an easier way of cleaning the toilet, too.  The boys DO love cleaning the toilet!

I reviewed the checklist with the boys so everything was understandable.  We reviewed where everything was and how to use the supplies.  It is so important to talk about safety when using cleaning products, every time.

bathroom cleaning checklist

Easy To Use, No Mess Toilet Cleaning!

I showed them how to use the new Scotch-Brite disposable toilet scrubbers and showed them how to snap the scrubber on the end without having to touch it, clean the toilet, then click the button above the trash can to easily dispose of the scrubber after it's use.  An adult does need to assist in the toilet cleaning chore.

I love the scrubbing power of these little things!  They're small, but powerful.  They are specially shaped to get all of the stains under the rim.  The head is flexible, so it can reach everything!  There is also a built-in bleach alternative cleaner and pumice so rust & hard water stains just scrub away.  

scotch brite scrubber

I love the whole setup because there is no alternative cleaner needed, nothing has to be touched at all, and the scrubber can be dropped into the trash after it is used with the click of a button on the handle.

scotch brite rim

Download the Printable:

To download this bathroom cleaning checklist printable, just click on the picture below.  It will open up in a PDF that you can print!

cleaning checklist

What else would you add to this checklist?


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Tyler, TX
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