After reading these hilariously funny posts about selfies and how they have gone too far on Buzzfeed this morning, I is time. When I was looking through pictures of my labor with Captain Fussybuckets 6 years ago, I found this little gem. I had gone in on Halloween with contractions, being a first time mom, I was not sure if it was "time" or not. (It wasn't.) They monitored me for a bit and were going to let me go, but they noticed that the contractions were causing the Captain's heart rate to dip unsafely. SO, long story short, I was over 40 weeks pregnant, in labor, but not *really* in labor, so they gave me some Pitocin (a.k.a. "The Devil's Drug") and on top of that, my epidural didn't work too well. (Apparently being a redhead with a janky spine who wasn't really in true labor affects that, but anyway. We live and learn.) It was a majorly horrible part in my memory, but apparently Hubby was bored and excited and on the brink, in 2008, of this big "selfie" movement. (If only he had invented the selfie stick!) So, I present to you.......the "Selfie While My Wife Is In Agonizing Pain" shot:
I am happy to report that he was the BEST labor and delivery coach for all three boys and I really think he was trying to capture his excitement and the moment rather than "look how cute I am" selfie. Although, he is pretty cute, I must say. I love you, Hubby!
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Thursday 15th of January 2015
Hee, hee! Too funny! Sharing on FB, Mommies will get a kick out of this!
Saturday 17th of January 2015
thank you!
Jennifer (@momvstheboys)
Thursday 8th of January 2015
haha! that is hilarious and terrible all at the same time!
Friday 2nd of January 2015
This totally CRACKS ME UP!!!
Friday 2nd of January 2015
That's too funny!!! I love this!