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Stock Up On Essentials For Holiday Guests - Easy Storage Hack and Free Printable

Stock up on essentials for holidays guests and use this easy storage hack for keeping it all handy!

Stock Up On Holiday Essentials for Holiday Guests - Easy Storage Hack and Free Printable

easy storage hack

We have lived in some pretty tiny spaces since we have been married and have had to come up with an easy storage hack or two along the way.  Now, we are very lucky to be able to live in a decent sized house with lots of room for us to live and play, but it gets cluttered very quickly.  It still seems that there is just no room for extra stuff, especially with the Christmas tree, gifts, and decorations out.  Last year for Christmas, my hubby installed some awesome wire storage racks in our laundry room.  The space was being wasted, so he just measured the wall, bought two 4' long storage shelves and installed them in less than an hour.  I am able to use them to store extras of everything AND hang clothes to dry on the bottom part.  It has been SUCH a nice thing to have!  He also installed one in our bedroom closet.  Basically anywhere that you have unused wall space, you can add extra storage, which really comes in handy when you have guests over.

Materials Needed:

  • wire storage rack(s)
  • level
  • electric drill
  • pencil for marking wall


  1. Measure the area that you want to hang your storage rack.  Make sure that it will not be in the way of opening doors, appliances, etc.
  2. Measure off the two ends and mark it, making sure that it is straight with your level.
  3. Drill the holes for your storage and hang according to directions, making sure that it is secure.  
  4. Test out your storage rack by pulling gently on it.  It needs to be able to hold all of the things you will be storing on top!
  5. Fill up your storage racks with all of the essentials you and your guests will need for the holidays!

I have my laundry room storage racks stocked for the holidays with all the essentials that we and our guests need, like Charmin toilet paper, Bounty paper towels, Cascade Action Pacs, Mr Clean Magic Erasers, and lots of food.  

Before my husband installed the storage, I had a hard time buying things in bulk because we just did not have anywhere to put it, but now it is the perfect place to store extra food, cleaning supplies, paper towels, toilet paper, and more.  It is great because our pantry is not that big, so the extras just go into the laundry room for storage until we need them!

Our family was down for the boys' birthday party a few weeks ago and as much as I prepared, I failed to stock the bathroom with extra toilet paper.  Thankfully my mother told me before anyone was left in a predicament, but how embarassing for a hostess to not have extra toilet paper in the bathroom!  I made this informational printable for our next they will feel welcome AND know where to find the extra toilet paper.  It is easy to frame it and set out in the bathroom or spare bedroom for guests to see it upon arrival:

Hostess Printable - Easy Storage Hack

And you can bet that I have stocked the bathroom with extra Charmin toilet paper in a cute little basket that was only a few dollars.

Stock up on holiday essentials!

Download and print the free printable so you can use it for your guests this holiday season:

Stock up on holidays essentials and let guests know they are welcome with this printable!

How do you make your guests feel welcomed during the holidays?  What holiday essentials do you stock up with?


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