School is Out...On To Summer!
While the fist few months of school were rough, to say the least, we survived pre-k with D and first grade with the Captain. They both excelled in school and became more confident with making friends and talking to adults. Their anxiety seemed to get better and they settled into a routine. We are so, so proud of their accomplishments, but moreso of their bravery and ability to adapt to new situations. August seems SO far away, and even though it will be here before we know it, I know that it will be difficult, especially for D, to muster up the courage to leave his family each morning and go to school. We are praying for him to be able to be strong and courageous...and that he gets a sweet teacher and is in class with some of his friends from pre-k and possibly a soccer friend! Their teachers this year were so amazing and I cannot wait to see how next year begins!
The boys have been out of school for over a week and we have quickly adapted to the summer routine...if there is such a thing. We made a trip to the grandparents' house last week while Daddy was away on his first youth trip of the summer. We had fun and the time sped by quickly and we all enjoyed being with our family. We also picked up a few new "sisters" on our trip there! I had been planning this for a few weeks, but we were able to borrow a brooder from my brother and his wife and went to the feed store to pick out six adorable chicks who we have affectionately named Rey, Princess Leia, Galadriel, Blackberry, Pumpkin, and Brownie.
The chicks are a great summer project for will be the coop that needs to be built in the coming weeks. We also need to set up the DIY splash pad in the backyard! Other than that, the boys have summer camp, VBS, more trips to see their grandparents, trips to pick peaches, and I have a few other small trips planned that they know nothing about! I love to be able to surprise the boys the morning we go somewhere and also.....I try to avoid telling them too far in advance to be able to skip out on all of the "is it time yet?" questions and also the utter heartbreak when someone wakes up sick on the wrong day and we have to cancel our plans! So, I simply write "event" on the calendar and the boys have no clue what it is or who it is for! They do not know if it is a blogging event for me, a youth event for daddy, or a fun family event for all of us!!!
Speaking of the of my big summer activities will be a complete stay tuned for that! Most everything will be the same except for the name. I pretty much have it nailed down, but if you have a great suggestion, let me know!
Do you have any big plans for the summer?
Summer Days and NightsLet It Shine
Summer (Beginner Books(R))
Summer is Here