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Potato Stamp Craft


We had some sprouting potatoes that were not being used up quickly enough.  Sure, they're still edible, but today Baby D and Captain Fussybuckets did some potato stamping!  

First, you select the potatoes.

Then, you cut them in half and either leave the sprouts on or take them off.  Washing is also optional, unless you think your child is going to take a bite:

Now this is the tricky part.  You must cut out letters but you can do this easily with stencils, just trace the letter on to the potato with a marker and cut away the excess.  Or you could freehand a letter on to the potato and then cut away the excess.  I chose the lazy way and cut the letter out and cut away the excess, but lucky for me, neither me or my kids are perfectionists!  yay!  Remember that with some letters, you'll need to cut them out reversed...such as the letters Z, B, D, etc, so they'll be correct when stamped.

I chose to cut out the letters H, O, A, T, and Z.  Then I got some red craft paint, poured a little in a small, flat plate and let the boys stamp it up!  First up was Baby D:

He really liked it and then went a little nuts with his stamping, but that's okay!

Baby D's finished product:

Next up was Captain Fussybuckets.  He is excited about learning to read words and how to spell them, so he was super excited about this craft!  He chose to spell "zoo" first:

Time for a new piece of paper and more letters:

Super proud of himself:

This craft was really fun AND educational.  We'll definitely be doing it again.  The only slightly annoying part was cutting out the letters but as long as you don't go all out and cut out the whole alphabet, it doesn't take long.


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Debra @ A Frugal Friend

Saturday 4th of January 2014

Oh, such a great idea - and thanks for the reminder about the letters!


Thursday 5th of April 2012

This is such a great idea, I hate throwing away sprouting potatoes! I always thought stamping would be so hard to make, but this looks pretty easy, thanks for the easy tutorial.


Wednesday 4th of April 2012

I hate wasting food and I often have potatoes that look like this :( I'll have to remember this next time. He looks like he's having so much fun!

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