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My Favorite Food #nablopomo

I always have a hard time with the question "what's your favorite food?"  I have gone through so many favorite food phases, it's always something different!  It has been many things through the, lasagna, chicken or steak fingers, all really healthy foods, right?  ha!  When I was pregnant with Captain Fussybuckets, I lived on …

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Jumping In! #NaBloPoMo

I've been thinking about BlogHer's NaBloPoMo assignment all day - "What is something you recently jumped into?"  Hmm...well, I jumped into parenting about 3 ½ years ago.  I jumped into blogging April of 2011.  And, I'm about to jump into being 30.  Some things I jump into voluntarily and some, I go kicking and screaming. …

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Memorial Day - Fun Ways to Honor Those Who Have Served

Memorial Day is a vacation for many US citizens.  It's a day to head out to the lake, go fishing, have a bbq, or whatever, but let's not forget what it's all about!  Did you know that Memorial Day was originally called "Decoration Day" and it was created to commemorate the fallen Union soldiers of …

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Fun, Safe Things for Preschoolers to do in the Hot Weather

It's already 91 degrees here in Texas.  It's HOT, and since it's only May, it's definitely guaranteed to get much hotter.  We have a kiddie pool, but we don't keep it filled up because it's not safe for either the Captain, who is three, or Baby D, who is one.  If they go outside alone, …

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Flossing is important for three year olds, too!

Captain Fussybuckets has been to the dentist each year since he turned one.  He has always been a good dental patient, sitting in the chair nicely for the teeth cleaning and check-up, and has always received a good report.  Well, we took him to a new dentist (actually, this is the fourth dentist he's been …

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The First Years Sure Comfort™ Newborn to Toddler Tub

The First Years Sure Comfort™ Newborn to Toddler Tub is a great item to have!  It's one of those things that will make life easier and help Baby like to take baths.   The Sure Comfort™ tub is designed for security, comfort, and convenience.  I like the fact that it fits in the bathtub and …

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Appreciate a Teacher This Week!

This week, May 7-11th, is Teacher Appreciation Week!  Teachers have one of the hardest jobs on the planet, and this time of year is the worst because the kids are ready to be out of school and the teachers probably are, as well.  Lots of huge testing has gone on recently and probably continues throughout …

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National Infertility Awareness Week - Don't Ignore Secondary Infertility

I hope that this has been an educational week, raising awareness for infertility through the guest posts and stories about infertility.  I am so honored to have one more fellow blogger's story.  After  you read her story, check out her blog at East 9th Street.

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Three Year Olds are Weird.

Three year olds are weird.  I always knew this, from my days of baby-sitting and teaching Bible class, but boy, is it true.  Three is that awkward stage between toddlerhood and preschool where the imagination goes crazy and they have a vocabulary to express themselves.  Today alone, my son has used the word "poop" inappropriately …

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National Infertility Awareness Week: One Woman's Long, Painful Journey To Motherhood

A very dear friend of mine has been through more heartache than anyone should.  She endured four+ years of infertility, carried a baby to term, only to lose the baby in the first two months of life, due to a rare heart condition.  Not a day goes by that she doesn't think of her precious …

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Living With Infertility - A Guest Post

I asked Charlene, the author of "A Divine Walk" blog to write a guest post about her struggles with infertility. Please take a moment to read Charlene's heartfelt story, and afterwards, check out her blog! Hi, my name is Charlene Hertzberg, Gena asked me to do a guest post today for National Infertility Awareness Week. …

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National Infertility Awareness Week: Don't Ignore Endometriosis

If you read my story yesterday, you read that I "met" a lot of women going through their own battle with infertility on the message boards at Fertility Friend.  One of those friends that I met during this time was "Sarah".  Coincidentally, she had her baby girl a month before Captain Fussybuckets was born, but …

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National Infertility Awareness Week....Don't Ignore

This week, April 22-28, is National Infertility Awareness Week and "Don't Ignore" is this year's theme.  I think this is such a wonderful thing, to spread the word about infertility and make people aware that many more people suffer with it than you would even imagine.  This week, I will be sharing some of my …

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Happy Earth Day!

Happy Earth Day!  I hope that you are finding ways to celebrate today, whether you're planting a garden or recycling or entering some of the awesome Earth Day giveaways (like the Hidden Recycler giveaway!)  Target has released some pretty awesome coupons and some are in conjunction with sale prices on various Earth friendly products.  Target is …

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Butterfly Garden by Insect Lore

Back when I was a kindergarten teacher, we always had a unit studying the life cycle of different insects and animals.  We used the Ladybug Land from Insect Lore to teach our students about the life cycle of ladybugs and the kids LOVED it.  Captain Fussybuckets has been really into bugs, insects, and butterflies lately, …

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Food Dyes and Behavior

I've always hated red food dye because of the moustache it leaves on your upper lip when you drink stuff that has red food dye in it.  When we were working at the children's home, there were a few kids who always had a red moustache and I'm sure it was embarassing!  The other day, …

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Family lifestyle blogger from
Tyler, TX
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