I love when I get a brilliant idea, whether it be a new blog post, a new way of organizing our toys, or even a new recipe. But, one of my top annoyances is unfinished projects. I know, many of you wouldn't believe it if you know me in real life because there's usually a basket or pile of laundry on the couch, just waiting to be folded. Well, I'm happy to say that there is NO laundry in sight because I folded it all this morning. Laundry is a project, and I hate to see it sitting there. How long I can let it sit there is the question.
I can't think of any projects that are waiting for me, but I'm sure there are some. I like to keep pictures in our "Cousin Wall" updated but if you take a look at the picture above, you'll see that Baby D is 6 months old in his picture. Long story short, I paid an extra $11 shipping (because that was the lowest available shipping price?) for a daily deal and received Baby D's picture, covered in pink (along with a bent 8x10....yes, for $11, that's some quality shipping.) The company, Premier Photo Mall, won't answer my emails or Facebook posts, so I just ordered another 5x7 from Walmart.com for super cheap and I can guarantee it will be in better quality and get here without being bent. Oh well, you live and learn...
Anyway, back to projects. I have about 10 drafts sitting in my WordPress dashboard, waiting to be finished. I think I've taught myself to ignore that side of the page so I won't have to think about how they're unfinished. But, I know they're there, and that annoys me.
So, after this long story of rambles, I do love new projects, but I am hesitant to start unless I'm sure I can finish within a decent amount of time. That's why I hate scrapbooking. Making photo books online is a lot better, but still stressful, especially if there is a deadline.
Rebecca W.
Wednesday 6th of June 2012
I dislike scrapbooking too! I tried to do even a baby book for my first son and that turned out half done and not pretty. I am now pregnant with the second and am thinking would it be fair to do one for this child since I will have more time to? The answer is probably no. I'm guessing I will just blog milestones so I will know them and not have a specific book, that way when my first son gets old enough he won't know that I was so "lazy" to not do him one! As for laundry, I love laundry! I wish that was the only household chore there ever was..... :)
Wednesday 6th of June 2012
haha! You can take my laundry and I'll make your son a photo book on shutterfly!! :)
Tuesday 5th of June 2012
I'm nervous about starting new projects. I'm a huge procrastinator, and I usually only finish things half way.
Tuesday 5th of June 2012
That is not acceptable company behavior. The pics of the children are super cute! I to dislike scrap booking. About the time I figure our where I want or need to use a picture. I have to move my mess for oh let's say dinner or the next project. Well by that time I'm ready to "scrap" the whole mess. Good luck!
Tuesday 5th of June 2012
Yes! It's like you need a whole scrapbooking room!
Kristyn Martin
Tuesday 5th of June 2012
I am so soory to hear that you are having such a hard time dealing with Premier Photo Mall. I have never used them and I definitely won't now. I hope that you get your money back for the damaged products. I also prefer to use online photo books instead of scrapbooking. They always turn out great and are so much less work than scrapbooking!
Tuesday 5th of June 2012
I agree! Maybe I'm not crafty enough for scrapbooking?
Tuesday 5th of June 2012
That's horrible! I hope you get resolve soon on your shipping issues and damaged goods. And I totally agree about photo books instead of scrapbooking. Who has time for scrapbooking these days? Although I always find myself scrounging around on the day a code is going to expire for a free photo book ;)