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Making A Good First Impression: Tips to Help You Land a New Job


Making a Good First Impression:  Tips to help you land a new job

When I was looking for my first real job after college, I went through 13 interviews to find the perfect one.  It was a time of high anxiety for me.  I really went into the interview process blindly.  Well, I learned a few things in college, but I could have used some more tips and extra support.  Interviews are ROUGH...especially when you're faced with a panel of judges interviewers who are there to pick you apart to see if you are the best fit for their team.

A few great tips that I've learned to be successful at your job interview:

  1. Know the company.  Do your homework, study up on what the company does and what it stands for.  You will be better prepared to answer any questions about how you will fit in.
  2. Dress appropriately - think about what kind of first impression you want to make.  Remember that modesty goes a long way.
  3. Have a portfolio to show off your past work
  4. Make sure that your resumé is up to date.
  5. Offer a firm handshake when you first meet your interviewer(s).
  6. Speak clearly and be aware of your body language.
  7. Be honest with all of your answers.
  8. Be professional
  9. Come with your own questions to ask afterwards.
  10. Send a thank you note after the interview.

Once you land that job, you can be prepared to manage your finances and other aspects of being a working mom.

So after you've landed your new job, may this be your next problem:  (haha)

social media job

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Shanaka Mama Bee Does

Friday 23rd of May 2014

I'm going in to the working world for the first time since I was a teen. I've been a stay at home mom for a decade but now it's time to get back out there (gulp). Thanks for the tips.

Mama to 5 BLessings

Friday 23rd of May 2014

I think appearance is a big thing like you said plus be prepared. Do your homework about the company you are interviewing for as well. 

Kelsey Apley

Thursday 22nd of May 2014

Really great tips here!!! I know I was always told don't chew gum, dress nice and walk in with confidence, and I have always got the job!! It is always nice to see pointers to give that boost of confidence before you walk in! 

Kathleen Kennedy-Leon

Thursday 22nd of May 2014

These are some great tips, as a healthcare professional and department director, I have interviewed hundreds of people for various positions and it amazes me how many people come unprepared to their interview or they come really poorly dressed--you only get one chance to make that first impression.

Chrysa Duran

Thursday 22nd of May 2014

Thanks for sharing all of that about Mom Corps YOU! I can't believe all of the information available! I love the tips on making a god impression... especially the body language. 

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