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My Favorite Food #nablopomo

I always have a hard time with the question "what's your favorite food?"  I have gone through so many favorite food phases, it's always something different!  It has been many things through the, lasagna, chicken or steak fingers, all really healthy foods, right?  ha!  When I was pregnant with Captain Fussybuckets, I lived on Whataburger hamburgers.  It was some of the only meat I could stomach, and I just craved that yummy burger!  When I was pregnant with Baby D, I don't remember eating much, but I do remember eating a lot of chocolate ice cream.  Yum!

Today, I would have to say that my current favorite food is a shredded beef grilled sandwich from Fuzzy's Taco Shop.  MMM!  It's so yummy!  And the Captain always eats a fourth of it, or more, so that's better for my calorie intake!  🙂  The sandwich comes on Teleras bread with lettuce, tomatoes, cheese, garlic sauce, and onions (which I always ask them to leave off!)  The sandwich comes with a side of Latin Fried Potatoes that are the perfect combination!  I last had this delicious sandwich on my birthday...the big 3-0!  ahhhh it was a great day!

So...what's YOUR favorite food?

*I was not compensated in any way for writing this post.  Fuzzy's is just good.*


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Friday 15th of June 2012

I've never heard of Fuzzy's Tacos.  Sounds like something that would be on Food Network!  :)  


Friday 15th of June 2012

That sounds yummy! We have alot of Mexican restaurants in our neighborhood so I crave it alot, smells so good. We've only been out to one local place but it was so good - authentic, tasty and affordable.

Maggie C

Friday 15th of June 2012

That sandwich sounds SO good right now.  However, I've never even heard of Fuzzy's Tacos.  Sad because I love me some tacos!

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