My husband and I first heard of Mark Gungor while working at the children's home. One of the ministers there shared the "Laugh Your Way To A Better Marriage" DVD with us and I, personally, was very encouraged and excited about the DVD. I had a lot of "aha!" moments, where things Mark said clicked and made complete sense.
Mark Gungor is a pastor at Celebration Church in Green Bay, WI, but his "Laugh Your Way" marriage seminars are not your usual religious seminar. He gets right to the issues that are causing so much strife in marriages. He uses Bible verses and references, but he is far from being "preachy." And he uses down to earth, easy to understand language that is not full of psycho-babble. He has spoken for churches, civic events, business meetings, and is even a speaker for the U.S. Army. He even has a daily radio show. Mark definitely knows what he is talking about, delivers his message with humor, and that's why this DVD series is one of our favorites.
It was good to watch this DVD series again, two years after we saw it the first time, and I think it would be beneficial to watch in two more years, too. Mark begins talking about "The Tale of Two Brains." This section explains how women and men think and act differently. It is VERY enlightening to realize WHY men (and women) do what they do. My husband's favorite part was when Mark talked about the "nothing box." Sometimes men really do sit around and think about "nothing." Even if they look like they're pondering deep thoughts or questioning something grand, it is quite possible they're really thinking about....nothing! Women don't understand that because most women can't just sit there and think about nothing, but men can. Who knew? (This is also good information for raising boys, might I add!)
Mark goes on to talk about why men and women do what they do and how to discover what makes your spouse tick. Then, Mark discusses big issues that could cause a couple's intimate life to not be so great, and tells us how to fix them to have an "incredible sex life." Mark doesn't hold back and addresses everything from emotions, to sex drive, to the world's obsession with pornography and how it is destroying marriages, but can be defeated in your marriage. He even briefly discusses how to talk to your children and why we NEED to talk to our children about these issues before it's too late.
This DVD series is jam packed full of great information and it flies by because Mark presents it in such a friendly, humorous way. If you're married, you will benefit from this series. If you're not married, you will benefit from this series. Even if you are in a "perfect" marriage (haha) then even YOU will benefit from this series, I guarantee it. My personal opinion is that this DVD is the single best resource that married couples should get!
christine jessamine
Tuesday 4th of September 2012
i learned i can buy tickets to see him live when we are on vacation!
shirley zolenski
Tuesday 4th of September 2012
I also like the butt kicking woman set too
Alyssa McVey
Sunday 2nd of September 2012
I want the Butt-kicking Women's Conference DVD. I've been watching Mark Gungor on YouTube for a while now and he's hilarious!
Saturday 1st of September 2012
Butt-Kicking Woman Conference 2 - DVD Set looks great!
Carrie C
Thursday 30th of August 2012
I'd like the book Finding your prince in a sea of toads