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Supplement Your L’il Critter’s Diet with Gummy Vites!

I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for L’il Critters. I received a product sample and promotional item as a thank you for participating.

gummy vites

We are extremely lucky that D loves his fruits and veggies and has the ability to eat a well balanced meal.  Does he always?  Well, no, but he does a lot!  The Captain, however, stays away from anything green except for salad, and I worry about him getting enough of the right vitamins and minerals.  They both have their days where they don’t want to eat anything healthy, so adding a vitamin to their daily diets was something important to us.

The Captain used to love those chalky, chewable vitamins but after awhile, I would find them, partially sucked on, lying around the house.  This wasn’t safe and it was a complete waste of time and money, too.  I stood in the vitamin aisle for a long time, searching for something that a) he would eat willingly, b) had all the essential vitamins and minerals, and c) made with natural ingredients, meaning no food dyes or yucky artificial sweeteners.  At the time, he also had a dairy sensitivity, so I wanted something with no allergens, as well.  I eventually landed on L’il Critters and they’ve been a hit ever since.  And when D was old enough for a vitamin, he began taking them, as well.

gummy vitamins

The boys both love the flavors, colors, and cute bear shapes of L’il Critters.  I do have to make sure the child proof cap is on tight, they are stored up high, and the boys know that they are only to have two vitamins a day because after all, they ARE vitamins and they WILL get sick if they eat more than the daily allotment.

Another great aspect of L’il Critters is that D never forgets!  He always reminds us that he needs his daily “buddies” and would never dare leave them lying around!  

gummy vitamins

Some important things to remember:

  • L’il Critters Gummy Vites shouldn’t be given to kids who can’t chew gummies well.
  • Always monitor your kids when they’re taking their Gummy Vites.
  • Always follow the daily recommended suggestions and do not exceed two Gummy Vites per day.
  • These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.  
  • This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
  • Store Gummy Vites out of reach of little hands!


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Monday 5th of August 2013

My son loves gummy vitamins! It's the only way I can get him to take vitamins!

Jennifer Wagner

Monday 5th of August 2013

My son loved taking vitamins when they were more like candy. I had to hide them so he wouldn't take more than one a day.


Monday 5th of August 2013

I hear ya!  We have to keep them up high so the boys won't be tempted!

Mel @ Outnumbered 3 to 1

Monday 5th of August 2013

I've heard great things about the gummy vitamins. 

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious?

Monday 5th of August 2013

My girls love these, too...I just need to remember to pick more up!


Monday 5th of August 2013

Great review, I love everything that it includes! I need to buy these for my son. 

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