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It's Okay to Mix the Colors.

Teachers and OCD moms everywhere are about to cringe.  Ready?
It's okay to mix the colors.  It's okay!  Two months ago, I couldn't say those words.  But now, I can.  After my friend Carla told me that her 2 year old likes the way the Play-Doh colors look when mixed and pointed out that Play-Doh IS fairly inexpensive, well.....I stopped being so OCD about it.  I tried to remind Captain Fussybuckets to keep the colors separate, but when I left him with his Play-Doh cake making station to tend to Baby D one day.....I came back to a blob of Play-Doh.  And you know what?  It was kinda cool the way the pink was streaked in the blue.  I took a deep breath.  It really IS okay to mix the colors.
mix the colors play doh
Super cool swirly heart "cookie!"
 And how could you make this awesome cinnamon roll without somewhat mixing the colors??
Play-Doh is awesome.  It helps you to release stress and let go of things, like color mixing.
It's gonna take awhile to get over my true phobia.
Play-Doh crumbs.
Because for some reason, my 2 ½ year old loves to crumble the Play-Doh.  *sigh*
(Just like his father and grandfather like to leave toast crumbs in the butter.)

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Monday 22nd of April 2013

I cannot stand PlayDoh for the sole purpose of the mess it makes. We unofficially banned it from our house about two years ago. Now, my daughter plays with modelling clay. Doesn't dry out and she loves it. :)


Saturday 10th of September 2011

I love playdoh..that cinnamon roll is awesome! 

Montreal Fashion Moms

Saturday 10th of September 2011

Where is the fun if the kids can't be creative and mix colors? Yes, you may end up with all brown playdoh, but that a risk I guess we have to be willing to take. Love the cinnamon roll!

Mrs. Fun

Saturday 10th of September 2011

Oh I am not a fan of this stuff. My kids always managed to make the biggest mess Love the cinnamon roll, that's genius.


Friday 9th of September 2011

LOL! I love it!! A fellow non-mixer turned QUITTER! LOL they win, it is kind of pretty!

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