Growing up, my parents usually had a garden out back. It was very special to watch them have this gardening hobby.
At least one summer, he was allowed access to a neighbor's larger plot and there he planted a big corn field. Well, it felt huge to me because I was a child. I loved walking through the corn stalks that were taller than me! Gardening has always had a special place in my heart because of my parents' gardens. And we always had plenty of fresh, delicious vegetables.
After my husband and I got married, I started a garden. It is far more than just planting a seed and watering it. You have to learn about the soil, what kind of support the plant needs, pests, when to harvest, and why your watermelons stopped growing halfway through the season. (Still working on an answer to that last question!)
Through trial and error, I have become quite good at growing a few things: okra, banana peppers, jalapeño peppers, onions, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, and blackberries. I may also try a new cabbage type this year. Squash and zucchini are both also fairly easy to grow as long as you keep the squash bugs and vine borers at bay.
Over the years, I have had some great crops. You know, when you plant waaaaayyyy too many of one vegetable and it explodes in your backyard? When that happens, I enjoy giving the extras to neighbors and friends, but I think an even better idea would be donating the surplus crops to a place that could use them to feed those who need it the most.
People are gifted in different ways and some face hardships that others don't. It's important to take care of others in any way we can and if we have excess, we can always share. It's little things like this that make a huge difference for others.
Donating your excess from your fun gardening hobby can mean a world of difference to someone who needs it. If you have room in your garden and can financially swing it, why not PLAN for extra next gardening season so you can donate the extras that your family won't eat?
I suggest start now to look for companies that would be happy to accept your garden bounty. Sometimes they have certain rules that apply to homegrown fruits and vegetables, but sometimes not. If you do not garden or simply do not have enough to give away, consider giving a monetary donation to a food bank, such as East Texas Food Bank.
How do you like to give back to the community?
Check out my Hummingbird Garden post!