Today's National Blog Posting Month topic from BlogHer is...."Is the proverbial glass half empty or half full?" Today, my glass is half full. Yesterday wasn't such a great day. I missed out on a great opportunity I had been waiting for, my hubby was working a lot, along with some other miniscule blips on the radar, but I've learned in my thirty long years of life (ha ha) that it could always be worse and I feel that my glass is always half full simply by having a God that loves and cares for us.
My morning started out great before I even got out of bed because as I was checking my email, I received a note from the Fairy Hobmother! He has been visiting the blogs of my fellow blogging friends a lot lately, so I was THRILLED to receive a message from him! The Fairy Hobmother is a man who goes around and finds bloggers to "spread light and joy across the blogosphere" in the form of a sweet message and an Amazon gift card!
It's thrilling to know that there are still good people in the world...who do good things just because. So with all of the aforementioned facts, plus the fact that I have a great husband whom I love and adore, two sweet children, a God and friends and family who love me and much could my glass be considered half full?
What's going right in your life today? I'd love to hear about it!
AND if you're a blogger and want the Fairy Hobmother to visit your blog, just leave a comment with your web address and maybe you will get a visit soon!
**disclosure: I received an Amazon gift card for posting a link.**
Saturday 16th of June 2012
I like your take that things could be worse than they really are. I contantly remind myself of that! Glad you are having a half full day and hooray for the Fairy Hobmother visit! (Now sling shot him my way! LOL)
Kristyn Martin
Friday 15th of June 2012
I'm so glad that you are having a "glass half full" day! Congrats on your visit from the Fairy Hobmother! It would make my day if he visited me too!
Shanna Bailes
Friday 15th of June 2012
Congratulations on your visit from the Fairy Hobmother....How exciting! I hope he come to see me sometime soon ;)