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Five Ways to Keep Baby Happy in Quiet Places (Church, Weddings, etc!)

Five Ways to Keep Baby Happy in Quiet Places

All three of our boys have never been known to be quiet as babies.  Thankfully we go to a church where the people love our children and don't mind the baby babbles during service.  It has always been important to keep them busy and happy, though, so they are making happy sounds and not fussing.  I like to keep them in church for as long as possible but we do have to get up and head to the nursery if they're too loud....which is embarassing, but I want to catch as much of the service as possible.  

I wanted to share with you some things that keep Baby Brother happy during church, plus a few more great things you can make or gather for your church/restaurant/special occasion bag!

1.  Quiet toys like these adorable DIY Soft Blocks from Mama Say What?!

quiet soft blocks for baby

2.  Board books are great for babies to look at during church or other quiet times.  (Until Baby Brother decides he needs to yell at the characters.  🙂  Check out this great list of the best board books for baby from Carrie Elle:

Board Books for Baby

3. Tag blankets like this one from COOPCRAFTS are great for babies to play with.  They love exploring all of the little pieces and different textures.

Tag Blanket

4.  Wooden toys are great and usually pretty quiet.  We always pack this wooden fish toy.

wooden fish toy

(The adorable chevron blanket is from Mamas and Papas, and is handy when Baby Brother can play on the floor.)

5.  Teething toys like Sophie the Giraffe or necklaces that can be chewed/teethed on.  (Sophie can be squeaked but Baby Brother hasn't figured it out yet!)

Chew Jewels Necklace

Do you have any quiet toys or ideas that could be added to this list?

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Jenn L

Monday 18th of August 2014

This has got to be one of the most stressful things.  I tend to think they're being crazy loud and other people insist they barely noticed they were around!  Nursing tends to be the only thing to keep mine quiet. ;)


Thursday 14th of August 2014

OK first of all...he is precious!! <3 Secondly, thanks for including my book post! :) And thirdly...I needed this when my kids were babies. My son was so fussy/loud we hardly went anywhere!

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