Sustainability continues to be a core focus both in our personal lives and at work and it’s vital we all do our part to save the planet. We need to all try and help the world around us for future generations. As a family, there is no beating around the bush that we tend to produce more waste than a single household and younger people in your home are probably less aware of being sustainable as you are.

Which is why it’s so important to teach them and also do your part as a family as a whole. I have put together some helpful tips to help you to encourage your family to be more sustainable.
Lead By Example
As a parent, it’s up to you to show your children how they can be more sustainable. You can show them ways that you have improved your house, including installing energy-efficient replacement windows and switching to a smart meter for your energy. You should also show them things you do such as turning off light switches when you leave a room and thinking before wasting items such as food or paper.
Show Them Why They Should Be More Sustainable
It’s easy enough to tell your children they should be more sustainable, but if they don’t understand why, it can make it difficult to actually resonate with your words.
To help them, teach them the importance of the environment and sustainability. You could read them books that detail this, show them videos online, and just talk to them about the importance of preserving our planet for future generations and what it could mean if we don’t do this.

Recycling is super important, so easy and a great way that means everyone can do their part. If you are looking to encourage your children to even do one thing to help be more sustainable, this is a fantastic one to do. There are many ways you can help encourage your children to recycle, including having them point out the recycle logo on their trash, and having them put things in the recycle bin at home, as well as taking them to a larger recycling centre where you can explain what happens here and why.
These are just a few things you can do to encourage your family to be more sustainable which should help you all to do your part for the environment. By encouraging our children to be more environmentally friendly at home, they will grow up knowing what they need to do to help the planet survive and thrive and it will improve the world for future generations.