Create a DIY Box To Keep Your Box Tops Safe All Summer!

As you may or may not know, the 5 year-old had a super hard time at half day pre-k last year. It was horrible for quite a while. We had lots of crying and screaming and anxiety from our usually calm, laid-back child. After 2-3 months, we found he likes charts and the reward of Mommy or Daddy going to eat lunch with him once a week. He also liked collecting Box Tops and taking them in to school. True story. He is very successful at spotting Box Tops from a great distance, and claiming any and all Box Tops that come in our house.
He starts kindergarten this year and I am afraid we are going to see a repeat performance of his utter dislike of having to go to school. He loves school, he just does not want to have to go, you see. He IS excited about Box Tops, though. At the end of the year, he came home with a flyer that said there would be special prizes for those who brought 50 Box Tops to school during the first few weeks. Score! He was on it, collecting these precious pieces of paper. We needed a good system and when I saw this cute wooden box with two compartments, I knew it was perfect for saving our Box side for the 2nd side for the kindergartener.
The boys chose their colors and started painting. It was a fun craft for us to do together!
When it was finished, the boys each had their own side....and I separated out what they had already. There is one problem, though! School starts in about three weeks and they only have about 20 Box Tops each!
There is good news for us and other Costco members, however! Right now, you can find multiple products with double the Box Tops! I picked up Ziploc® Mixed Variety pack with gallon, quart, sandwich, and snack sized bags, because we are sure to need them this school year!
If that wasn't enough, there is a fun code on the back that you can enter at to see if you won the Golden Box Tops - worth 100 Box Tops - or one of 3,000 other prizes!
What are Box Tops anyway?
If you are not familiar with Box Tops for Education, here is the scoop! They come on trusted brands that you probably already use and are likely sitting in your pantry. Each Box Top can be clipped and turned into a participating school to be redeemed for money for much needed items for the school! Each Box Tops has an expiration date and a value, which I believe is usually or maybe even always 10 cents. That is pretty valuable once every kid in school brings them! Check to see if your child's school collects Box Tops, or if you do not have a child in school, start saving them and see if you can donate them to a school in your neighborhood. I am willing to bet that any school welcomes a person with a bag full of Box Tops!
Check out the other products that are double the Box Tops at Costco:
- Honey Nut Cheerios 55oz
- Nature Valley Oats & Honey Granola Bars 49ct
- Yellow Box Cheerios 40.7oz
- Nature Valley Sweet & Salty Peanut Granola Bars 48 ct
- MultiGrain Cheerios 37.5oz
- Nature Valley Trail Mix Chewy Granola Bars Fruit & Nut 48ct
- Lucky Charms 46oz
- Fiber One Bars Oats and Chocolate 48ct
- Cinnamon Toast Crunch 49.5oz
- GoGurt Simple Club Pack 32ct
- Bisquick Ziploc® brand Slider
- Annie’s Mac & Cheese Variety Pack 12ct
- Ziploc® brand Sandwich
- Annie’s Fruit Snacks 42ct
- Ziploc® brand Mixed Variety Pack 347ct
- Ziploc® brand Freezer Quart
- Ziploc® brand Freezer Gallon
- and more!
Visit Costco, stock up, and enter your codes to earn prizes at