Lunch is always a big ol' question mark in this house. Usually our choices are leftovers or a sandwich. Lately though, I've been making the most out of my new Green Pan and have been making migas, eggs and toast, grilled cheese sandwiches, quesadillas, or this delicious little bowl of goodness: Orange Bell Pepper Nachos.

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The recipe is simple. Just top baked tortilla chips with pan grilled orange bell peppers and cheddar cheese. It's such a semi healthy treat and absolutely easy to whip up in minutes!
If you'd like to add some protein to this meal, I'd highly suggest Tajin Grilled Chicken!
Ozeri recommends rubbing a little oil on your pan after hand washing it and not adding much oil when you cook. This has worked really well for cooking. Nothing I have cooked has stuck and for that, I'm pleased!
The ultra safe ceramic coating on the Green Pan is GREBLON, which is non-stick and free of PTFE, teflon PFOA, and other harmful chemicals. Even under high temperatures, no harmful toxic fumes are ever released into the environment. It is more durable and scratch resistant than other non-stick surfaces. It allows you to sauté, fry, bake, boil, and braise with little oil. Your food will cook evenly every time and cleanup is really a breeze! I love the textured aspect of this Green Pan.
This 12" pan sells on Amazon. You can also order a 10" Green Pan.