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Master Your Lawn With These Essential Tips

Maintaining a lush green lawn may seem like one of the most daunting tasks ever, but with the right strategies and a good approach to general lawn care, you’ll find that it can be surprisingly simple. Even if you’re not a seasoned lawn care expert, you’ll find that these essential tips can help make taking care of your lawn a breeze.


Photo by David Mancini

Is mowing your lawn difficult? You might be doing something wrong

Mowing the lawn is about more than just cutting grass. You can’t just expect to move your lawn mower back and forth a couple of tips and then expect beautiful results every time. It takes a bit of skill and finesse to work your lawn mower properly, and there are also some maintenance concerns that you should keep in mind in order to keep your lawn mower functioning properly. Here’s what you need to know.

If you want to make your yard more productive, try these tips to turn your yard into a garden.

  1. Keep the lawn mower blades sharp. Dull blades don’t really cut grass, they just sort of whack it around and tear it up. This leads to some really uneven edges when you’re mowing the lawn, and it could expose the soil underneath and lead to an increased chance of lawn diseases and conditions.

When in doubt, flip over your lawn mower and take a look at the blades. You might find that it’s clogged up with bits of grass or weeds, or there could even be a blockage that makes it hard to cut the grass properly. Sharpening the blades can take up to 30 minutes if you’re doing it for the first time, and it’ll take a couple of tools to help you restore them back to their former glory. Alternatively, you could also replace the blade in its entirety if you don’t have the tools or time to sharpen the blades again.

2. Limit the height that you cut grass. As a general rule of thumb, you should aim to cut no more than a third of the grass height at a time. Not only does this help to maintain a healthier root system, but it also keeps your lawn looking fuller and it leads to fewer problems for your blades. For most lawn mowers, there’s a lever that adjusts the mowing height so you can ensure it never cuts more than the top one-third of the grass blades. Doing this regularly will make mowing your lawn a whole lot easier and less demanding on the blades too.

3. Vary the way you mow your lawn. Mowing your lawn in different directions ensures that your soil stays even and ensures even growth of your lawn. Don’t go forward and backward across the same patch of lawn multiple times. Go straight, then try diagonal stripes, then come back in a different direction. 

4. Consider using technology to make things easier. For instance, you can run a robotic lawn mower in between lawn mowing sessions to help you keep the lawn even and looking beautiful for longer. If your lawn isn’t very big, then a robotic lawn mower might be all you need. However, I recommend only using a robotic lawn mower after you’ve done a bit of work on your lawn to ensure there are no underlying issues such as lawn disease. Robotic mowers can also be a good idea for lawns that are much lighter and more delicate, where a traditional lawn mower could do more damage to the ground.

Are you remembering to water your lawn properly?

Whether you’re trying to revive your lawn or just want to keep it looking great, effective watering is crucial to help it thrive. 

I highly recommend that you water deeply and infrequently. This helps to encourage deep root growth, prompting grass to reach deeper into the soil to search for moisture. This creates a more drought-resistant lawn and gives it the ability to absorb water even during dry spells. Too much shallow watering can also lead to a shallow root system, as the grass roots tend to stay closer to the surface where most of the water is available.

Another reason to water deeply is to ensure that the moisture reaches the root zone where it’s needed the most. It prompts better water penetration and absorption by the soil, and this maximizes the effectiveness of your watering. Lastly, watering deeply helps the surface of the soil dry out while the water seeps down into the earth. This helps to stop fungal diseases which thrive in moist environments.

Watering early in the morning is also a good strategy for a healthy lawn. This helps to minimize the amount of water that is lost to evaporation, and the cooler temperatures in the morning will help the water reach further down into the soil. Watering early also helps to ensure that the grass dries out in the sun, reducing the likelihood of any fungal growth.

Photo by Andres Siimon on Unsplash

Fighting against weed growth and pests

There are a number of ways to help you combat pests and weeds to help maintain a healthy and vibrant lawn. For starters, mulching your lawn can significantly reduce weed growth because it blocks out the sunlight that weed seeds need in order to grow. This prevents them from germinating and also helps to retain soil moisture.

Regular maintenance by mowing at the appropriate height can also help to slow down weed growth. Cutting your lawn too short means that the weeds have full access to sunlight, but leaving taller blades of grass creates shade which slows down their growth.

When it comes to pests, it’s important to focus on preventative measures such as proper lawn care and regular monitoring to keep an eye out for any signs of pest activity. If you notice them early, then you can use targeted treatments to address specific pests. If you buy any treatments and products, it’s important to follow the directions carefully for the best results.

Weeds and pests are almost an inevitable occurrence when it comes to managing your lawn, so it’s something that you’ll have to get used to combatting from time to time.

With these tips, hopefully you can master your lawn care and have a beautiful lawn of grass in no time!

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