I want to share what is working for us, and has worked for us for years: the checklist. I have found that my boys thrive on checklists, where they can see what they need to do in a day or week long period, and then work at their own pace to get things done.

When we homeschooled when my oldest was in kindergarten, schedules just didn't work for any of us. It stressed me out because I had two little ones at home and doing the same thing at the same time every day was so stressful! That is when I started making checklists so we could see what we needed to do and not stress out about time and schedules. And that's when I found that my oldest son THRIVED with this method and even started expecting and relying on his checklist! It was so helpful to all of us! He would check his list in the morning and start getting stuff done, sometimes even before I rolled out of bed. This checklist printable is perfect for homeschooling and/or chores!
During the summers, I used this same method for all three kids. I made them a checklist the night before and they knew what chores and responsibilities they had the next day. And if they needed more instructions without my help, I would have them use a checklist with specific instructions, like this bathroom cleaning checklist.
And now that we are schooling at home for the time being, these checklists are what is working for us. They can see what is expected of them and work to get it all done. I put certain rules into place, such as you can't play video games until the checklist is done for the day, etc. Do whatever works for you!

The bottom line when it comes to homeschooling or distance learning or doing your schoolwork at home, whatever you want to call it, is do what works best for your family!
Download this free checklist printable to do list and see if it works well for your family!

Traci Shannon
Friday 9th of October 2020
Well done! This is a great list!