Valentine's Day is one of those holidays where you feel like you should get everyone something, but what? Christmas wasn't too long ago, but you still want to show your teachers, friends, and neighbors that you are thinking of them on this day. I like the simplicity of these owl Valentine's Day candy bar wrappers because you can easily print them out at home, wrap them around your recepient's favorite candy bar, and it's a sweet, thoughtful, original gift!

These Valentine's Day candy bar wrappers would be sweet to find in an office mailbox, on one's doorstep, or in a special gift basket, surrounded by other thoughtful gifts. Kids can hand them out to all of their teachers and school staff, or friends at church!

Materials Needed:
- card stock
- color printer
- scissors
- tape
- full sized candy bars

- Download the two PDFs below.
- Print them out on card stock, using a nice color printer.
- Cut out the edges.
- Wrap around candy bar and tape closed.
- Give to your favorite teacher or friend!

Click and download candy bar wrappers below: