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5 Daily Habits To Boost Your Immune System This Winter

This winter has really been hard on many people, as far as illnesses are concerned. Our family has been spared for the most part, but we are always on guard and doing what we can to keep the germs away.  How do you boost your immune system to ensure that it can fight illnesses?  Thanks to Sambucol and The Motherhood, who brought you this post, but opinions are mine. Sambucol Black Elderberry is a dietary supplement and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Life is busy.  Work, school, church, basketball, soccer, Boy Scouts, piano, trumpet....the number of places we have to be every week is mind boggling.  I like to think that we still know how to balance family time and activities outside of the home, but with three kids, sometimes it's hard.  We also love to visit new places like indoor playgrounds and events.  I go to the store at least weekly and most of the time, the 4 year old is with me.  There are germs everywhere and you cannot escape them.  


There are, however, five habits that each member of your family can do each and every day to ensure that you all have a fighting chance to stay healthy.

First Up, Wash Your Hands

When our oldest started pre-k, I taught him something very important.  Wash your hands every time you come inside or after you use the restroom.  It must have stuck, because he is a good hand washer to this day.  We also make the boys wash before they eat, if we can.  You would be downright disgusted just watching the sinks at any store or school bathroom.  I'm not gonna throw out any percentages here, but I'm willing to bet that around half of every person that uses the restroom doesn't wash their hands.  You've seen it.  I've seen it.  It's gross.  You don't have to use any special soap or follow any hand washing protocol, (although you should,) but you SHOULD wash your hands.  Oh and if you go to those indoor better just go ahead and bathe everyone when you get home.  Kidding.  Sort of...

Oh, one more (gross) thing.  If your kids are nose pickers....get them to a sink or carry some alcohol free hand sanitizer.  Some kids just are and that's fine, but they're putting whatever is on their hands directly into their nose and well, you know.  It's a good habit to get into washing hands!

Get Outdoors

Folks in Alaska, feel free to laugh when you read this next sentence.  It was 50 degrees in Texas last week and sunny as it could be.  The kids at my boys' school were not allowed to go out to recess.  My oldest said it was because most of the kids in his class were wearing shorts.  Even if you just take a walk around the block, you're getting a good dose of fresh air and oxygen.  Get outdoors whenever you can and just get some sunlight, rather than being stuck inside all day.  It will do everyone good!

Check out these cute winter outfit ideas for women!


Winter is hard for getting outdoors when it's cold (see above,) but anyone can exercise indoors.  Put on some music and dance with your family.  Play a fun energetic game.  Do a workout video.  Go to a local gym and play basketball for 45 minutes.  Exercise does NOT have to be super hard and it does not HAVE to be done outdoors.  Get your heart rate up and you will feel a lot better.

Drink Plenty of Water

My husband has lost 5 lbs this year just by switching to water.  He has a coffee in the AM, but he drinks water with every meal.  Now, weight loss is a good side effect of drinking water, but the benefits are impossible to list!  Drinking water will help keep you hydrated, feeling great, and your immune system ready to fight off those germs.

 Take Sambucol Black Elderberry Gummies Daily

Sambucol Black Elderberry Gummies can be a great way support your family’s health this winter.  Black elderberries have been recognized for centuries for their immune-supportive properties.  They have antioxidant properties and provide great immune system support.

Sambucol Black Elderberry Gummies provide the equivalent of over 3.5g of Black Elderberry per serving.  I don't know if you have ever tried elderberry syrup with your family, but I have.  These gummies are a much easier way of getting the good stuff down!  They are sweet and sour and the kids love them.  Just make it a part of your morning routine or bedtime routine and the kids will love it.

Sambucol Gummies contain no artificial flavoring, dairy products, eggs, gelatin, gluten, peanuts, preservatives, wheat or yeast.  They are pectin-based, derived from orange peels, and contain only 1g of pure cane sugar in each gummy, with no artificial flavors or sweeteners.

There is so much to do in the upcoming months, so it is important to keep your immune system in tip top shape!  There are games to attend, projects to do, and 5Ks to run!  What I love about all of these suggestions is that they can all be done together as a family.  Kids love to do what their parents are doing, so if you model these healthy habits, they will be sure to follow!

Follow our family adventures on Instagram!


Look for Sambucol products at select Target stores and most drug and grocery stores.

What other suggestions do you have for boosting your family's immune systems?









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Tyler, TX
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